
Public Computers

We have 11 computers running the Windows operating system available for use. A library card or visitor pass can be used to access the computers free of charge. Visitor passes will expire at the end of the issue date, and a new one will need to be obtained from the circulation desk for subsequent days.

Computers are equipped with the following software:
  Adobe Reader X – Reads PDF files from any application
    Internet Explorer – Browse the Internet
    Mozilla Firefox – Browse the Internet
    Google Chrome – Browse the Internet
    Microsoft Access 2010 – Database: creates tables, queries, reports, forms, etc.
    Microsoft Excel 2010 – Spreadsheet: creates financial documents and charts
    Microsoft PowerPoint 2010 – Creates/runs slideshows
    Microsoft Publisher 2010 – Desktop publishing: creates flyers, cards, etc.
    Microsoft Word 2010 – Word processing: letters, resumes, flyers, etc.
    Open Office 3.3 – Free Version for the Microsoft products above

Prints (both B&W and color) are $0.25.

Copy and Fax Service

We offer full-service copying service for a charge of $0.25 per page for both B&W and color. We are able to make copies on letter or legal size paper.

We offer outgoing fax service at the following rates. There is no charge for a cover page.

Local and Toll-Free: $2 for the first page, and $1 for each additional page

We do not currently offer incoming fax service.


We offer scanning services for $1.00 per page, up to a maximum of $10.00 total.

Wireless Printing

Wireless printing is available at most Jefferson County Public Libraries, including our own.

First, you must click here to register as a user with the system.

Click here for instructions on Android devices.

Click here for instructions on Apple devices.

Notary Services

The Hueytown Public Library offers Notary Public services with the following restrictions.
• It is highly recommended that you call the library (205-491-1443) in advance to find out if our notary public will be available
• Walk-in service is possible, but it is not guaranteed our notary public will be available.
• Patrons must provide a valid, government issued photo ID
• Patrons MUST provide their own witnesses, if needed, to notarize a document. Members of library staff CANNOT and will NOT act as witnesses.
• The document must be complete and ready for signature. If legal advice is needed, please consult an attorney. The notary public is prohibited from helping to prepare, complete, or understand legal documents
•The Notary does NOT notarize the following documents: I-9 forms, home closing/real estate transactions, immigration documentation, health directives, nor documents about adoptions, custody, divorces, or family law
•Our notary public reserves the right to refuse notarizing documents if there is a legitimate reason (examples include Signer(s) not present, incomplete document, signer mentally incapacitated, Invalid ID, ETC)

The charge for Notary Service is $5.00 Cash each time the Notary seal is used

Interlibrary Loan

Interlibrary loan (ILL) acquires books, photocopies of non-circulating materials (such as magazine articles), and government publications not already owned by the public libraries of Jefferson County for library patrons. Click here to learn more about this process.

Access Your Library Card Account

To access your library card account online to pay fines and/or renew materials please click here.

To renew your card online, please click here.